
A Sweetline Status

After a very busy summer, I am able to catch up a bit and restyle my dedication to the Sweetline and the Sweetline blog with new content, new interviews, new ideas and more. I am definitely still in a bit of an overdrive but am currently taking steps to create even more balance in my work life and real life. Often, as many of you small business owners know, these things cross over. I wanted to take a moment and share what Sweetline is and how I can work with you. I also will be sharing a fab client launch and some social media style that I've been working on for the last few months for iconic brand, DKNY.

*Sweetline's Services*
Sweetline is a consulting-style company for companies and brands looking to create, evolve or grow their online presence. I work with both small companies (a shop owner, a pr firm, an interior designer, etc) and large brands (DKNY, Fast Company, etc) I am the person for you if you need helping defining your editorial voice on your professional site, social media 101 or if you want to create new social media communities, strategy and style.

*A Sweetline client launch*
The very lovely and very talented, Rachel Gill, of La Bella Bungalow has just launched her online presence for her brand new e-decorating company. Already a lovely blogger and stylist, Rachel was ready to take her love of design style to the professional level by launching a business to help people virtually decorate their homes in both an affordable and chic way. I worked with Rachel over the summer to concept and define her editorial voice on her professional website. Click here to check out La Bella Bungalow and hire this girl - she knows design + decor!

*Influence & Apples*
I've been working with a cutting-edge production and creative company in San Francisco that is doing some very cool + innovative viral and community projects. Two of these are The Influence Project for Fast Company and the DKNY Fragrances facebook community launch. While the brands are both huge, the social media work and style is very personal - the sign of the social media times.

*Extending Blog Out Loud even further*
I've also been keeping Blog Out Loud going with a fantastic NY event this past June and an upcoming LA event next Tuesday, 9/21. I am so proud of BOL and the community. I started this last year purely because so many people wanted to learn about how to use and integrate social media into their own businesses. What better way then listening to people that are already doing it - and doing it well. This next panel is very exciting - a true lifestyle panel with the fashion, food, travel, culture, cool mom and home remodeling verticals represented. Yes!

And in other news....for tons of fabulous social media inspiration, click here to enjoy the Shine Online series. Also, my home office where I run Sweetline was featured on Unplggd - check it out right here. And I was also sweetly part of Nesting Newbies 4th issue and also the premiere issue of Rue magazine for loving. living. small. and Sweetline.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/16/2010

    And I know I've said it a million times before, but I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you so much for all of your hard work making La Bella Bungalow what it is!



Thanks for saying hi to us at Sweetline!