
:: the heart of the editorial schedule ::

I've been blogging consistently for over three years now and have definitely developed my own style for posting content and social  media updates but that's because I had time on my side. I slowly created categories after realizing my blogging pattern and, essentially, my editorial schedule was born. If I started blogging now, I would skip right to the heart of the blogging matter - an editorial schedule. yes!

Keeping a social media editorial schedule is THE best time management tool you can use and it's easy to set up. Consider your blogging categories. Sweetline's are listed in the sitemap on this blog. I blog under those few categories - all of my posts are relevant within this structure. From there, pick how many days you wish to blog and start filling out a consistent pattern of post topics. Keeping true to this schedule will make your blogging life efficient and solid. 


1 comment:

  1. Great advice for a new blogger who sometimes feels I"m all over the map. Thanks!


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